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Current Exhibitions


Asian Dragons

Dragons from Asian cultures contrast from those found in European and Western cultures. They are revered rather than feared, and often take the form of gods and deities. They are powerful and wise beings, taking responsibility for the rain and water of the Earth.


European Dragons

Dragons in Western cultures vary wildly in appearance and nature, but always have serpentine features and wings. They are often used to represent Satan and Hell, as well as evil in general. They are powerful creatures of fire and death, and to kill one is very honorable to many.


New World Dragons

Dragons exist in many cultures. Natives had their own versions of dragons, and colonists brought over their own as well. Dragons of the United States take inspiration from those of European stories. However, Natives in both North and South America have their own dragons that are serpentine in nature, often being large snakes with wings or horns.


African Dragons

Dragons of Africa are unlike both European and Asian dragons, usually having a small similarities with both of them. They often take the form of large and powerful serpents.

Dragons from Life

While not the fire breathing winged beasts we've come to understand as dragons, these animals share a lot with dragons of myth. Many of them are reptilians with spikes and scales, or fish with extravagant features.


Dragons of the Media

Dragons can be found all over even today, although they've taken on something of a different form. Instead of provoking fear they now take up flight in the imagination of many. It is more common to find dragons as working and riding partners, not unlike a horse with human intelligence. The amount of unique dragons out there is innumerable.


Dragons of The Past

Dragons can be found anywhere, anytime. Even the mysterious beasts from out past have a little dragon in them. These creatures of the past share many of the traits we associate with dragons, and are often used as reference or inspiration for artists.


References and Resources

The place to go to find more information. A complete list of sources used to put this site together as well as recommended readings.

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